All applications for admissions must be made in the prescribed form which can be had from the office on payment of Rs.100/-
The trainees will have to appear for the All India Trade Test conducted by the National Council for Vocational Training, Govt. Of India after the completion of the course of study.
Duly filled in applications are to reach this office on or before………….. Late applications will not be entertained The trade should be marked on the envelope Attested copies of the SSLC Mark list and Conduct certificate are to be attached with the application.
Selection will be made purely on the basis of merit. The candidates will have to appear for an interview before a selection board. The decision of the board will be final. Any recommendations for selection will disqualify the candidates. Successful candidates will have to submit all certificates in original showing age, educational qualification, transfer certificate, conduct certificate and 5 passport size photographs at the time of admission. The principal reserves right to refuse admission to any applicant without assigning reasons. Candidates will be deemed to have been admitted only after the prescribed fees have been paid. Trainees applying for the return of S.S.L.C or any other certificate from the institution must give all the fees to the office.
Trainees are not permitted to be absent themselves without leave for the whole or part of the day. A trainee absenting from the institute for more than ten continuous working days without any information or satisfactory explanation is liable to have his name removed from the rolls. Leave of absence will be sanctioned by the principal on the recommendations of the section instructor concerned. Application for leave for more than 2 days at a time should be supported either by a letter from the trainees parent/ guardian or by a medical certificate in case of illness.